25 March 2025Webinar
FREE for ALL (please log in on the SOM website first).
This exclusive webinar, hosted by Janet O’Neill and delivered by Professor Anne Harriss aims to provide an understanding of who undertakes pre-placement assessments, and the reason for undertaking them. This includes the link to legislative requirements and the features of the job role including job demands. i.e. the assessment of an administrator will differ from that of a veterinary surgeon, a general surgeon, someone working at heights or working in confined spaces as a sewer worker.
This webinar is aimed at early career occupational health practitioners but will be a refresher for more experienced professionals. It will cover:
• Why pre-placement assessments are undertaken and linking this to legislative issues.
• Who undertakes them?
• The importance of linking the assessments to features of the job role
Professor Anne Harris is emeritus professor of occupational health with experience of leading on degree and masters level programmes for occupational health nurses and health and safety practitioners. Currently she delivers bespoke courses for a range of organisations on topics related to occupational health including the effect of work on physical and mental health and strategies
Chair: Janet O'Neill
FREE for ALL. You will then be sent the joining link.
We'd like to thank our sponsor - Orchid Live. Orchid Live is specialist occupational health software used by a number of SOM members to run every aspect of their occupational health operations. They hold healthcare records for over 1 million UK workers and work with both in-house OH teams and OH providers. You can find out more at OrchidLive.com
27 March 2025Webinar
FREE for ALL (please log in on the SOM website first).
Contrary to media opinion, sleep hygeine is not the answer to all sleep problems! Join Louise Berger, who has over a decade of experience leading an NHS Sleep Service, for a focused webinar on sleep. This session will equip you to spot, differentiate, and manage common sleep disorders. You can expect to leave with a greater knowledge of sleep science, screening tools and actionable takeaways for daily practice. Louise will also signpost her favourite resources for clients and some for clinicians wanting to upskill in the practice of sleep.
Chair: Jo Vallom-Smith
FREE for ALL. You will then be sent the joining link.
We'd like to thank our sponsor - Orchid Live. Orchid Live is specialist occupational health software used by a number of SOM members to run every aspect of their occupational health operations. They hold healthcare records for over 1 million UK workers and work with both in-house OH teams and OH providers. You can find out more at OrchidLive.com
01 April 2025London
10 Union Street, London, SE1 1SZ
Price : £225.00 exc VAT
The next March on Stress conference - ‘Supporting Mental Health at Work: Evidence, Experience and Innovation’ - will take place on 1st April 2025, in London.
Like March on Stress previous events, the day will once again include a range of expert speakers, bringing a wealth of academic and operational expertise.
Speakers include:
- Professor Neil Greenberg (March on Stress and King’s College London)
- Dr Charlotte Hall (UK Health Security Agency)
- Professor Jo Yarker (Birkbeck, University of London and Affinity Health at Work)
- Matt Jenkin (Partner, Employment at Herrington Carmichael LLP)
- Becky Harris (Senior Health & Wellbeing Manager) and Linsey Kasatkin, (Head of Health and Wellbeing and staff experience, both from University Hospitals Leicester NHS)
- Dr Lisa de Rijk (Psychotherapist, Visiting Research Fellow, King’s College, London)
- Dr Susannah Robertson-Hart (Occupational Psychologist, Healthy Work Psychology Limited)
Topics will include building sustainable health and wellbeing, the psychological impact of homeworking, working with distressing content and the latest evidence on moral injury, with more topics to be announced!The conference is a fantastic learning opportunity for anyone interested in, or involved with, supporting mental health in the workplace, whether as a result of trauma or day to day occupational stress. For TRiM and StRaW personnel the day will provide an excellent CPD opportunity.
Registration will begin at 8.30am for a 9.30am start and the event will finish no later than 4.30pm. Lunch and refreshments will be provided.
Full details and registration here.
SOM members can book at a reduced rate of £210 plus VAT per person for bookings up to 11th March. From 12th March, the reduced rate for SOM members is £235 plus VAT. Email Ann.Caluori@som.org.uk for the discount code.
04 April 2025Webinar
FREE for ALL (please log in on the SOM website first).
Interested in the OH mentoring scheme and want to know more?
Why not join us for this panel discussion which aims to raise awareness of the scheme and OH as a career?
We'll be discussing the purpose of the scheme, how it works in practice and how to make the most of the scheme. Our seasoned mentors are joined by mentees so that participants can get both perspectives. Questions from participants are most welcome either in advance or on the day as these will propel the conservation.
Amanda Hinckley, Specialist OH Nurse, Head of OH at the UK Health Security Agency
Dr Martin Tohill, FFOMI, Consultant in Occupational Medicine
Anna Harrington, Independent Consultant OH Nurse
Janet O’Neill, OH Nurse specialist, Deputy Head of NSOH and Head of PAM Academy (PAM Group)FREE for ALL. You will then be sent the joining link.
07 April 2025Webinar
A FOM-approved course in preparation for the FOM Diploma in Occupational Medicine (DOccMed).
The course covers:
- Introduction to Occupational Health
- Effects of work on health
- Clinical Occupational Health and Management
- Assessment of Actual Workplace ScenariosCourse Leaders: Dr Lanre Ogunyemi, Dr Alan Bray and Dr Steven Sadhra
Course Dates: Monday 7th April - Friday 11th April and Monday 28th April - Friday 2nd May 2025 (Virtual – Online)
Price: £3,480 including VAT
Click here to view more information and register your interest.
09 April 2025Northern Ireland
Date: Wednesday 9th-Thursday 10th April 2025
Location: La Mon Hotel and Country Club - Belfast
In support of HSENI’s corporate mission for 2023-2028, HSENI will launch a workplace health campaign in April 2025 aimed at raising awareness on the following three key workplace ill health priorities: (1) occupational lung diseases (2) occupational cancers, and (3) work-related mental wellbeing and musculoskeletal disorders.
The campaign’s focus will be to identify the main workplace ill health concerns, the impact they can have, and the need for appropriate controls.
Esteemed speakers from across the UK and Ireland will be bringing their wealth of occupational health and wellbeing knowledge and insights to the conference stage.
Find out more and register here.
23 April 2025North West
We have secured a special visit to Quarry Bank Mill in Cheshire on Wed 23rd April 2025.
You will arrive by 1.45pm at Visitor Reception and The Apprentice House tour begins at 2pm and takes around 45 minutes. After teas and coffee in the shop, the guided mill tour starts at approx. 3.30pm and takes around an hour.
You are then free to wander around until the property closes at 5pm.Spaces are limited to 14 people on a first come, first served basis.
You can find out more online here https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/visit/cheshire-greater-manchester/quarry-bank
SOM Members ONLY. If you are not a member, please join here www.som.org.uk
24 April 2025S Wales and W of England
SOM Occupational Health Conference for Nurses in Wales
Thursday 24th April 2025 9:00am-4:00pm (in-person only)
Future Inn Cardiff, Hemingway Road, Cardiff, CF10 4AU (free parking)
£65 SOM members (please log in before registering); £95 non-members
Reduced rate for students: £47.50 - Email Mimi.Eyeoyibo@som.org.uk for the discount code.
Draft schedule:
From 9am Coffee and networking
9:45 Opening/Introduction
Chair: Caroline Whittaker, Public Health Wales – introduction
To cover the benefits of a focus on nurse retention, including effective supervision - confimed
09:55 Drug and Alcohol issues in the workplace – latest issues
Helen Vangikar, Chair, SOM Drugs and Alcohol SIG - Including round table discussions on case studies and what support is available - confirmed
10:45 Leading into the future of Occupational Health nursing
Janet O Neill, National School of Occupational Health - confirmed
Discussion and Q and A
11:15 Break
11:30 Being ambitious about Neurodiversity in the workplace
Nina Parson, PAM - confirmed
12:00 Ensuring your approach to NIHL is up to date
Clare Forshaw - confirmed
Questions then..12:15 Lunch
13:15 Chair: Chris Terry and introduction to colleague as to his career in Occupational Health nursing - confirmed
13:45 Supervising and supporting Occupational Technicians
Dr Nikki Cordell
14:15 AI and Occupational health
Mark William Johnson, University of Manchester - confirmed
14:45 Comfort break
15:15 Legal issues in OH – tbc16:00 Close
In partnership with the SOM South Wales and West of England Regional Group
With thanks to our generous sponsor Insight Workplace Health
25 April 2025Central Southern England
Date: Friday 25th April 9am-5pm
Venue: Aviator Hotel Hampshire, 55 Farnborough Road, Farnborough GU14 6EL
Fee: £75 for SOM members; £85 for non-SOM members. In person attendance only
6 CPD Hours
This will be a full day face to face meeting for SOM and non-SOM members. There will be an excellent range of speakers. The meeting will be followed by the AGM for Central Southern SOM members. Lunch and refreshments will be provided.
More information, including speaker details, to follow.
Please note your membership discount will automatically be applied when you log in to the SOM website. Please log in before registering.
This event is sponsored by Greys Specialist Recruitment
29 April 2025Webinar
FREE for SOM Members (please log in on the SOM website first).
Session details:
Monitoring and Protecting Working Skin - a skin surveillance session
Dr Katrin Alden will accompany participants in reviewing the legal and legislative considerations of skin surveillance followed by facilitating a case study and Q&A session. She will demonstrate the clinical features of hand eczema relevant to skin surveillance, describe common clinical treatments and discuss workplace adjustments relevant to skin issues at work.
Short bio
Dr Alden is an occupational health physician with a background in clinical dermatology and an interest in work-related skin problems. She is the lead clinician for the skin surveillance programme of a large NHS Trust and the Chair of the Society of Occupational Medicine skin specialist interest group. Dr Alden has recently been awarded a fellowship for the Academy of Medical Educators for her work within the field of medical education.
Chair: Dr Finola Ryan
FREE for SOM Members (please log in on the SOM website). You will then be sent the join link.
We'd like to thank our sponsor - Orchid Live. Orchid Live is specialist occupational health software used by a number of SOM members to run every aspect of their occupational health operations. They hold healthcare records for over 1 million UK workers and work with both in-house OH teams and OH providers. You can find out more at OrchidLive.com