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E.g., 28/03/2025

SOM Events Code of Conduct
  • 04 June 2025
    Central Southern England


    We have secured a tour and tasting visit to the Shepherd Neame brewery in Kent on Wed 4th June 2025 at 2PM. This is the oldest brewer in Britain so will be a fasinating experience for members.

    Spaces are limited to the first 14 SOM members to book on.

    You can find out more online here

    SOM Members ONLY. If you are not a member, please join here


  • 05 June 2025


    FREE for ALL (please log in on the SOM website first). 

    Summary of webinar: 
    COVID-19 Public Inquiry -The experience
    In this exclusive webinar professor Dinah Gould will outline the purpose and nature of public inquiries held in the UK, the remit of the Covid Inquiry, and will describe the experience of acting as an expert witness to Module 3 (infection prevention and control). 

    Presenter Bio: 
    Prof Dinah Gould, FRCN

    Chair: Professor Anne Harriss

    FREE for ALL. You will then be sent the joining link.

  • 09 June 2025

    Certificate in Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS) – 2 day qualification

    Day one: Monday 9th June (Virtual)
    Day two: Thursday 12th June (Birmingham)

    Course tutor: Dr Roger Cooke, consultant in occupational medicine, and a leading expert in hand-arm vibration syndrome

    Do you want to improve the management of HAVs in your workplace? Join The At Work Partnership for a two-day intensive qualification course including examination.

    This training for OH professionals examines the requirements for health surveillance for a workforce exposed to hand-transmitted vibration, and the diagnosis and management of an individual with HAVS. It will provide an in-depth understanding of HAVS, and of the OH role in managing issues related to hand-transmitted vibration in the workplace.

    The course teaches delegates all aspects of the syllabus for HAVS competence as defined by the FOM including:
    - Basic principles
    - Legal background
    - Workplace assessment
    - Health surveillance and clinical assessment
    - Occupational health action and advice

    Delivered virtually on day one and face-to-face on day 2 in Birmingham, the course will provide a comprehensive understanding of HAVS and the role of OH, enabling qualified OH professionals to clinically assess HAVS-related conditions and to undertake health surveillance.

    Who is the training designed for?

    This training is designed for OH nurses and doctors, who want to improve their knowledge, skills and competence in HAVS and gain the FOM certificate qualification. 

    This course forms part of a series of HAVS courses aimed at providing high quality HAVS training for various levels of experience. For beginners, or those new to HAVS, there is a NEW introductory level course specifically for OH technicians and nurses; for those who have already taken the 2-day course, The At Work Partnership also provide a refresher course.

    Click here for the full course programme and to book online.

    DON’T MISS OUT – Secure your place on the Certificate in HAVS course now!

  • 24 June 2025


    FREE for SOM Members (please log in on the SOM website first). 


    There has been a rise in the numbers of cases taken to employment tribunals by claimants complaining that they have been discriminated against because of a neurodiverse condition amounting to a disability. Diana will examine the definition of disability in the Equality Act 2010 and how it relates to neurodiversity with examples from case law of unlawful discrimination. The role of occupational health will be examined, together with issues of data protection in reporting to management.


    Professor Diana Kloss is a practising barrister and former employment tribunal judge. She is Hon FFOM and was appointed MBE for services to occupational health. Diana is Hon Senior Lecturer at Manchester University and the author of Occupational Health Law, currently in its 6th edition.

    FREE for SOM Members (please log in on the SOM website). You will then be sent the join link.


  • 01 July 2025

    Introduction to Occupational Health

    Tuesday 1st July, 2:00-4:45pm

    Open to all. To determine whether the event will be online or face-to-face, we are polling all registrants. Please select your preference at registration. The option with the most votes will be chosen as the event type. You will be notified when the event type has been decided.

    An afternoon for clinicians and students interested in understanding more about what Occupational Health is and the OH specialisms involved (find out more here:

    2pm - Introduction

    Nick Pahl, CEO SOM

    2.10pm - What is Occupational Health? 

    Dr Kaveh Asanati, SOM Education Panel Lead

    2.45pm - Case studies

    Medical – Dr Lara Shemtob, SOM Strategic Policy Adviser and Dr Lucy Wright, SOM Board member

    Nursing – Chris Rhodes, Health Partners

    AHPs – tbc Jo Vallom-Smith

    3.30pm - Occupational Health - Clinical 101

    Dr Jacqueline Thompson, Medigold. To cover:

    Common OH Issues: physical and mental health, including specific occupational diseases.

    OH Strategies and Interventions including workplace prevention and health promotion. 

    4pm - How to get in!

    Nursing routes - Chris Rhodes

    Medical routes - Dr Kaveh Asanati

    AHP routes - Jo Vallom-Smith

    4.25 - Q&A and Wrap-Up and further resources e.g. mentoring, jobs, shadowing

    Janet O'Neill, National School of Occupational Health

  • 02 July 2025
    S Wales and W of England


    We have secured a tour and tasting visit to Thatchers Cider Mill on Wed 2nd July 2025 at 2PM. They have been producing cider on this site for 119 years! The tour will last approx. 2 hours; it includes the working mill and packaging hall. At the end of the tour, you’ll get the chance to sample some Somerset Ciders.

    Spaces are limited to the first 14 SOM members to book on.

    You can find out more online here

    SOM Members ONLY. If you are not a member, please join here


  • 03 September 2025
    Central Southern England


    We have secured a special visit to the Bremont Watch Manufacturing Centre in Berkshire on Wednesday 3rd September 2025.

    The tour will begin at 1.30pm Spaces are limited to 9 people on a first come, first served basis. Please only book on if you can make it.

    This is an opportunity to gain vital workplace visit experience and also to meet fellow SOM members in a relaxed environment. 

    You can find out more about the tour online here 

    SOM Members ONLY. If you are not a member, please join here

  • 26 September 2025

    SOM 90th Anniversary Gala Dinner - Save the Date

    Venue - Apothecaries' Hall, 16 Black Friars Lane, London, EC4V 6EJ

    Date and time - Friday 26th September, 6.30-10.30pm

    Save the date for this celebration of 90 years of The Society of Occupational Medicine.

    More details to follow soon...

  • 08 October 2025
    West Midlands


    Following our sucessful visit to Emma Bridgewater pottery in January, we have tied down a similar visit to the World of Wedgwood in Staffordshire for a factory tour followed by afternoon tea on Wednesday 8th October 2025.

    The tour will begin at 1.30pm, followed by afternoon tea at 2.30pm. Spaces are limited to 13 people on a first come, first served basis. Please only book on if you can make it.

    This is an opportunity to gain vital workplace visit experience and also to meet fellow SOM members in a friendly and relaxed environment. 

    You can find out more about the tour online here 

    SOM Members ONLY. If you are not a member, please join here

  • 31 December 2025


    The four courses aim to help delegates understand the facts about drug & alcohol misuse in the workplace including legal considerations, how to compile a substance misuse policy and interpretation of reports generated by the laboratory.

    Collection Officer Training
    Who should attend: Anyone who undertakes Chain of Custody collections; OHA / OHNAs; Occupational Health Physicians; GPs; HR Managers; Health & Safety Officers; trade union members
    Course content:
    - Preparing a site for collection
    - Mechanics of a urine collection, troubleshooting and common errors
    - Collection demonstration for back-to-lab and Point of Collection [POC] devices
    - Breathalyser selection, calibration and verification with demonstration
    - What happens to the samples in the laboratory
    - Oral fluid and hair collections
    Cost: £285 per delegate

    MRO Training, part 1
    Who should attend: OHA / OHNAs; Occupational Health Physicians; GPs
    Course content:
    - The role of the Medical Review Officer [MRO] including the Medical Review
    - Laboratory process
    - Adulteration checks and how donors try and mislead the testing
    - Drug metabolism looking at the fact and fiction behind positive samples
    - Evaluation and debate of Chain of Custody cases through result interpretation
    Cost: £285 per delegate

    MRO Training, part 2
    Who should attend: OHA / OHNAs; Occupational Health Physicians; GPs
    Course content:
    - Use of alternative biological samples such as hair, oral fluid, sweat and sweat vapour
    - Pros and cons of Point of Collection [POC] devices, how to develop protocols consistent with the principles of Chain of Custody
    - Quality and accreditation, UK Guidelines for Workplace Drugs Testing, minimum service level to expect
    - Alcohol including biomarkers such as EtG/EtS, FAEE
    - Evaluation via MCQs
    Cost: £285 per delegate

    Policy Workshop
    Who should attend: HR Managers; Health & Safety Officers; Occupational Health professionals; trade union members
    Course content:
    - Drawing up a draft substance misuse policy
    - Timelines for policy introduction and educational requirements
    Cost: £175 per delegate for a half-day

    On-site courses can be tailored to your requirements. Please call for further information and details of costs

    Venues and dates available throughout 2025:


    Policy, afternoon

    Collection Officer



    Zoom UK/GMT





    Zoom UK/BST





    Zoom UAE BST-3hrs





    Zoom UAE BST-3hrs





    Dates and start times can be adapted to your time zone. Please contact Helen Vangikar for further details.

    All delegates will receive an information pack and certificate(s), and MRO1 and MRO2 are accredited and qualify for CPD hours from the Faculty of Occupational Medicine of the Royal College of Physicians [UK].

    To view further course details please click here.

    For more information please email: or visit
