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SOM Occupational Health Conference for Nurses in Wales

SOM Occupational Health Conference for Nurses in Wales

Thursday 24th April 2025 9:00am-4:00pm (in-person only)

Future Inn Cardiff, Hemingway Road, Cardiff, CF10 4AU (free parking)

£65 SOM members (please log in before registering); £95 non-members

Reduced rate for students: £47.50 - Email for the discount code.

Draft schedule:

From 9am  Coffee and networking

9:45  Opening/Introduction 
Chair: Caroline Whittaker, Public Health Wales – introduction 
To cover the benefits of a focus on nurse retention, including effective supervision - confimed
09:55  Drug and Alcohol issues in the workplace – latest issues
Helen Vangikar, Chair, SOM Drugs and Alcohol SIG - Including round table discussions on case studies and what support is available - confirmed
10:45  Leading into the future of Occupational Health nursing 
Janet O Neill, National School of Occupational Health - confirmed
Discussion and Q and A 
11:15  Break
11:30  Being ambitious about Neurodiversity in the workplace 
Nina Parson, PAM - confirmed                
12:00  Ensuring your approach to NIHL is up to date 
Clare Forshaw - confirmed
Questions then..

12:15  Lunch
13:15  Chair: Chris Terry and introduction to colleague as to his career in Occupational Health nursing - confirmed
13:45  Supervising and supporting Occupational Technicians 
Dr Nikki Cordell 
14:15  AI and Occupational health 
Mark William Johnson, University of Manchester - confirmed
14:45  Comfort break
15:15  Legal issues in OH – tbc

16:00  Close 

In partnership with the SOM South Wales and West of England Regional Group 

With thanks to our generous sponsor Insight Workplace Health

April 24th, 2025 from  9:00 AM to  4:00 PM
Event Fee(s)
Event Fee £95.00
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