Guest blog by Nigel Lloyd, Senior Research Fellow - PHIRST Connect, University of Hertfordshire
Employee health and wellbeing in the UK is far from ideal....
Guest blog by Grace Gimson
In today’s work environment, prioritising the physical and mental wellbeing of employees is essential for any...
Guest blog by Lynne Drumm, Lisa Harrison and Jo Vallom-Smith
Supporting employees in their return to work (RTW) is a core function of occupational health physicians (OHPs)...
Guest blog by Cat Blake
98% of mothers want to work, dispelling the myth that women do not want to return after having children. ...
Guest blog by Dr Paul J Nicholson OBE
The SOM report...
Guest blog by Emma Persand, SOM Diversity & Inclusion vice chair
World Menopause Day provides an opportunity to advance workplace...
Guest blog by Affinity Health at Work as part of the Project OSCAR team
Stress accounts for almost half of all cases of work-related ill-health and of all...
Guest blog by Janet O'Neill, Deputy Head of the National School of Occupational Health
Before I entered occupational health (OH) I felt...
Guest blog by Clare-Louise Knox, Founder & CEO at See Her Thrive
For most of my career, I have been battling Premenstrual Dysphoric...
Guest blog by Phil Webb, CEO TAC Healthcare
In today's work environment, Occupational Health (OH) has never been more crucial. As businesses navigate the...