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The information is provided by SOM having taken as much care as is reasonably possible to ensure the information is accurate. However, this information is given and accepted on the basis of no legal liability for its accuracy. The SOM does not seek to provide any assurance of level of competence or expertise of any health professional contained in any such information provided. Employers are advised that they must check the suitability, eligibility and qualifications of such health professionals themselves. The database is of SOM members where they have granted permission for contact details to be stated on the OH Professional Directory. The SOM Database and its content are the intellectual property of the SOM, registered under the Data Protection Act 1998 with the Information Commissioner’s Office. As such, the SOM is not allowed to divulge any member’s information without their permission to anyone who is not a SOM member or non-member. Should a request be made to a member / SOM Regional Group officer for data containing other members’ personal information, they should contact the SOM office before taking any other action.

If you wish to employ a full time occupational health professional, you can advertise your vacancy with us.

First Name Last name Address Details Telephone General Qualifications Accredited specialist in OM Profession NHS Region Occupational Health Experience
Catherine Ann Martins North Western
Felicia Josephine Mascarenhas

Dr F Mascarenhas
30 Oaklands Avenue
DA15 8NB

London, South East Thames Food
Ann Mason

18 Bessemer Close


DOccMed, HAVs 4-5, HSE for Ionizing Radiation, Asbestos and Lead, Oil and Energy UK

No Independent OH Physician East Midlands, North East, North West, West Midlands Academia, Building, Chemicals, Health & Wellbeing, Mining, Oil, Mental Health, Ill Health Retirements, Renewables, Oil & Gas UK
Janet Massey Associate Specialist East Anglia
Samuel Trevor Maze

1 Hamlet Walk, Ballyclare, Co. Antrim, BT39 9GG

+44 (0) 780 881 2276

No Independent OH Physician London, Mersey, Northern Ireland, North West, North Western, Overseas, Scotland, South East Thames Academia, Agriculture, Armed Forces, Building, Chemicals, Commerce, Communications, Electronics, Engineering – Heavy, Engineering – Light, Food, Government, Health & Wellbeing, IT, Leisure & Brewing, Local Authority, Media, Medico-legal, Motor, Oil, Radiation Medicine, Retail, Textiles, Textiles & Paper, Transport, Utilities
Paul McBurnie No Independent OH Physician Central Southern Armed Forces, Building, Commerce, Communications, Engineering – Heavy, Engineering – Light, Government, IT, Leisure & Brewing, Local Authority, Oil, Tobacco, Transport, Utilities, Occupational Medicine, Mental Health, Ill Health Retirements, Fitness for Work and Disability Discrimination
Ron McCaig Consultant OCC Physician Wales
Benita McCarthy Consultant OCC Physician Northern Ireland
JOHN McCAUL Consultant OCC Physician London, North East Thames, North West Thames, South West Thames
Derek McCormack



Yes Consultant OCC Physician Scotland Armed Forces, Chemicals, Electronics, Engineering – Heavy, Engineering – Light, Food, Government, Local Authority, Medico-legal, Mining, Oil, Potteries and Glass, Retail, Textiles, Textiles & Paper, Transport, Utilities
Anthony Philip McCrea

21 Glen Road, Holywood BT18 0HB



Yes Specialist in Occupational Medicine Northern Ireland Occupational Medicine
William McCulloch Chief Medical Officer Trent
Elizabeth Mcdarmaid


Independent OH Physician West Midlands
Noel McElearney


Yes Senior Medical Officer Commerce
Thomas Campbell McGee Medical Practitioner Scotland
Anthony John McGread

163 Ballylesson Road
Belfast BT88JU


Yes Consultant OCC Physician London, North East Thames, North West Thames, South East Thames, South West Thames
Paul William McGucken Northern Ireland
Martin McGuire

Fit 4 Work Ltd
Ashford Hill
RG19 8BB

07894 546464

Yes Consultant OCC Physician Central Southern, London, South East Thames, South West Thames, South Western Aerospace, Health & Wellbeing, Oil, Radiation Medicine, Retail, Transport, Utilities, Occupational Medicine
Philip McIlroy

Healthwork Ltd
2 Watersedge Business Park
Campbell Road
Stoke on Trent


Yes Consultant OCC Physician West Midlands Local Authority
Gavin McKay Consultant Psychiatrist
Roger McKechnie Consultant OCC Physician South Western
Tracie Mckelvie

TJM Occupational Health and Wellbeing

South West Wales
(with UK wide coverage)


No OH Nurse/Advisor Wales Academia
Alan McLaughlin

Trident Medical Services
3B Olympus House
Calleva Park
West Berkshire

0118 324 9333

No Specialist Practitioner OH Nurse Central Southern Government
Mary McMahon Specialist in Occupational Medicine Northern Ireland
Paul McMullan Medical Officer
Steven Richard McNally North Western
John McNamara Consultant OCC Physician North Western
Jacob Meagher


No Independent OH Physician, Medical Advisor, Occupational Health Advisor, Independent Consultant, Disability Assessor, Other profession (e.g. non-clinical) Central Southern, East Anglia, East Midlands, London, Mersey, North East, North East Thames, Northern, Northern Ireland, North West, North West Thames, North Western, Overseas, Oxford, Scotland, South East Thames, South West Thames, South Western, Trent, Wales, West Midlands, Wessex, Yorkshire Academia, Commerce, Communications, Government, Health & Wellbeing, Local Authority, Medico-legal, Occupational Medicine, Ill Health Retirements, Fitness for Work and Disability Discrimination
Rachel Mearns



No OH Nurse/Advisor, Occupational Health Advisor, Senior Occupational Health Nurse Advisor Northern Ireland Aerospace, Engineering – Heavy, Engineering – Light, Food, Government, Health & Wellbeing, IT, Leisure & Brewing, Pharmaceuticals, Retail, Mental Health, Fitness for Work and Disability Discrimination
Donald Menzies Specialist in Occupational Medicine North Western
Margaret Helen Mercer

111 Tyers Street, London, SE11 5HS


Yes Associate Specialist London Chemicals, Food, Health & Wellbeing, Oil, Pharmaceuticals, Retail, Transport
Sayful Miah Consultant OCC Physician East Anglia, London, North East Thames, North West Thames, South East Thames, South West Thames
Alex Mijares

United Kingdom

Yes Independent OH Physician Central Southern, East Anglia, East Midlands, London, Mersey, North East, North East Thames, Northern, Northern Ireland, North West, North West Thames, North Western, Overseas, Oxford, Scotland, South East Thames, South West Thames, South Western, Trent, Wales, West Midlands, Wessex, Yorkshire Building, Chemicals, Commerce, Communications, Electronics, Engineering – Heavy, Engineering – Light, Food, Government, Health & Wellbeing, IT, Leisure & Brewing, Local Authority, Media, Medico-legal, Mining, Motor, Oil, Pharmaceuticals, Potteries and Glass, Radiation Medicine, Retail, Textiles, Textiles & Paper, Tobacco, Transport, Utilities, Occupational Medicine, Mental Health, Ill Health Retirements, Fitness for Work and Disability Discrimination
Doreen Miller

Prama House,
267 Banbury Road,

0333 900 9280

Yes Independent OH Physician Central Southern, Oxford, South East Thames, South West Thames, South Western Occupational Medicine, Mental Health, Ill Health Retirements, Fitness for Work and Disability Discrimination
Andrew Gareth Millman Yorkshire
David Mills Consultant OCC Physician Northern Ireland
Karen Mills

49 Mills Way


No Occupational Health Nurse North West Academia
Peter Stephen Milne Wessex
Petar Milosevic Consultant OCC Physician Scotland
Charles Miranda

Optima Health
Unit 2, Hayland Street, Meadowcourt
S9 1BY


No Independent OH Physician North West Radiation Medicine
Stuart Mitchell Yes Consultant OCC Physician, Specialist in Occupational Medicine, Independent Consultant, Aviation Medical Examiner London, South East Thames, South West Thames, Wessex Academia, Aerospace, Government, Health & Wellbeing, Local Authority, Transport, Mental Health, Ill Health Retirements, Ionising radiation
Rikard Moen Chief Medical Officer London, Scotland, South East Thames, South West Thames
Ian Mollan

David Stone Medical Centre
RAF Brize Norton
OX18 3LX


Yes Consultant OCC Physician, Armed Services Consultant, Aviation Medical Examiner Central Southern, London, Oxford, South East Thames, South West Thames Aerospace, Armed Forces, Government, Occupational Medicine
Stephen John Moore Independent OH Physician
Mohammed Arif Moothadeth Yes Consultant OCC Physician North West Local Authority
Anthony Moran

204 The Innovation Centre
Kirkleatham Business Park
TS10 5SH


No Independent OH Physician Yorkshire
clive morgan Medical Practitioner Wales
Donna Morgans Yes Consultant OCC Physician London, North East Thames, North West Thames, South East Thames, South West Thames Transport
Alan Muir Independent OH Physician London, Wessex
Kajal Mukherjee

1 Brest Way
Off Morlaix Drive

No Doctor in Disability Assessment South Western Health & Wellbeing
