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The information is provided by SOM having taken as much care as is reasonably possible to ensure the information is accurate. However, this information is given and accepted on the basis of no legal liability for its accuracy. The SOM does not seek to provide any assurance of level of competence or expertise of any health professional contained in any such information provided. Employers are advised that they must check the suitability, eligibility and qualifications of such health professionals themselves. The database is of SOM members where they have granted permission for contact details to be stated on the OH Professional Directory. The SOM Database and its content are the intellectual property of the SOM, registered under the Data Protection Act 1998 with the Information Commissioner’s Office. As such, the SOM is not allowed to divulge any member’s information without their permission to anyone who is not a SOM member or non-member. Should a request be made to a member / SOM Regional Group officer for data containing other members’ personal information, they should contact the SOM office before taking any other action.

If you wish to employ a full time occupational health professional, you can advertise your vacancy with us.

First Name Last name Address Details Telephone General Qualifications Accredited specialist in OM Profession NHS Region Occupational Health Experience
Jo Vallom-Smith

53 The Gardens, Southwick


No Occupational Therapist South East Thames, South West Thames, Wessex
Helen Vangikar

7 Kennet Square


No Toxicologist Central Southern, East Anglia, East Midlands, London, Mersey, North East, North East Thames, Northern, Northern Ireland, North West, North West Thames, North Western, Overseas, Oxford, Scotland, South East Thames, South West Thames, South Western, Trent, Wales, West Midlands, Wessex, Yorkshire Academia, Aerospace, Agriculture, Armed Forces, Building, Chemicals, Commerce, Communications, Electronics, Engineering – Heavy, Engineering – Light, Food, Government, Health & Wellbeing, IT, Leisure & Brewing, Local Authority, Media, Medico-legal, Mining, Motor, Oil, Pharmaceuticals, Potteries and Glass, Radiation Medicine, Retail, Textiles, Textiles & Paper, Tobacco, Transport, Utilities
J Michael Vaughan Independent OH Physician London, Scotland, South West Thames
Charles Vivian Consultant OCC Physician West Midlands
Andrea Voisian Independent OH Physician London, South East Thames, West Midlands
Joseph Waas Trent
Nicholas Lawrence Walker Yes Consultant OCC Physician West Midlands
Philip Clive Wallace

22 Lynton Park Road
Cheadle Hulme
United Kingdom

North Western
Luke Walsh Yes Consultant OCC Physician North West
David Ian Walsh

Suite 152
3 Edgar Buildings
George Street

07753 170342

No Independent OH Physician Wales Local Authority
Craig Walsh

Craig Walsh
JT Occupational Health Ltd
6 Wiswell Close

07941 589749

No OH Nurse/Advisor, Occupational Health Advisor, Senior Occupational Health Nurse Advisor, Specialist Practitioner OH Nurse North West, Yorkshire Aerospace, Chemicals, Engineering – Heavy, Engineering – Light, Food, Health & Wellbeing, Local Authority, Oil
Patricia Lynne Walters Wessex
Gareth Walters

Regional NHS Occupational Lung Disease Service
Birmingham Chest Clinic
151 Great Charles Street
B3 3HX

0121 424 2000

No Senior Medical Research Fellow West Midlands Health & Wellbeing
Dr Paul Wangai Jr

Medicare Wellness Centres
Post Bank House 3rd Floor
P O Box 62610
City Square 00200
East Africa


Yes Consultant OCC Physician London Health & Wellbeing
Fraser Watt Yes Consultant OCC Physician Scotland Academia, Chemicals, Radiation Medicine, Occupational Medicine, Ill Health Retirements, Oil & Gas UK, Management referrals and case management, Ionising radiation
Antony Nigel Webb London, South West Thames, West Midlands
Craig Robert Weddell Independent OH Physician London, South West Thames, Wessex
Anthony Charles Westlake

Dr A Westlake
15 Ascot Close
East Sussex
BN20 7HL

Medical Officer London, South East Thames
Philip Wilcox No General Practitioner (GP) London, North West Thames, South East Thames, South West Thames
Sarah Sian Williams East Anglia, London, North East Thames, North West Thames
John Gareth Williams


Yes Consultant OCC Physician East Midlands Motor
Tony Williams

PO Box 389
Temple Ewell
CT16 9BF

Yes Consultant OCC Physician London, South East Thames Local Authority
Paul Williams Yes Consultant OCC Physician Yorkshire
Stephen Williams Medical Practitioner Wales
Keiron Williamson Consultant OCC Physician Wessex
Philip Winburn Northern, Yorkshire
Catherine Winstanley

17 Aricander Road, WA!! 7DB


No OH Nurse/Advisor, Senior Occupational Health Nurse Advisor Mersey Government
Danny Wong Yes Consultant OCC Physician North East
Lucy Wright Consultant OCC Physician East Anglia, London, North West Thames
Peter Henry Wright Consultant OCC Physician North East Thames
Lindsey Wright Consultant OCC Physician London, South West Thames, West Midlands
Elizabeth Wright Yes Consultant OCC Physician Scotland
Lesley Wylie No Independent OH Physician Scotland Health & Wellbeing
Victoria Wyllie Yes Consultant OCC Physician Scotland Engineering – Light, Health & Wellbeing, Local Authority, Oil, Utilities
Anthony Yardley-Jones Independent OH Physician London, North West Thames, South East Thames, South Western
Paul Yarnley London, South West Thames, West Midlands
Muntasir Yousif

NHS Fife

Yes NHS Occupational Physician Scotland Occupational Medicine
