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Resources for healthcare professionals

This section provides healthcare professionals with an A to Z of information, from asthma, to MSK and mental health in the workplace. Click on the right on this page for specific information about menopause in the workplace or click here. At the bottom of this page there is information about occupational health policy engagement.

Occupational health (OH) is a rewarding and interesting career and one that allows a good work/life balance. Interested? Visit our Careers page. The OH world is friendly and there are more people than you think willing to help and support you!

Being a member of The Society of Occupational Medicine (SOM) supports your career in OH. For more information click here.

As a start, the World Health Organization (WHO) has produced a publication on disease prevention through safer workplaces, which discusses OH risks by disease type. WHO OH activity is summarised here. SOM membership gives you access to the latest research via its Journal of Occupational Medicine. Also, take a look at the OECD policy brief Promoting Health and Wellbeing at Work. Finally, we often forget that healthcare professionals are human too, and are just as prone to illness as anyone else. They take care of us, but who takes care of them? In this video, Professor Debbie Cohen explains why we need to adapt treatment to suit the challenges that come with treating healthcare professionals, and what the occupational medicine community is doing to ensure these competencies are developed and promoted.


A to Z below: Agriculture and fishing


Using machine learning and Annual Population Survey data to predict job loss - March 2025 SOM guidance here.

Alcohol and drugs in the workplace

BMA briefing: Alcohol, drugs and the workplace - The role of medical professionals


Toolkit - Work-related asthma and occupational asthma:

Other asthma resources:


Chemical hazards

Choosing OH software

Read the SOM guide to choosing OH software here.

Chronic fatigue syndrome

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guideline on the diagnosis and management of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) here.

Climate change

Time to act on climate and health paper here.

Consensus statement for health professionals

2025 Healthcare Professionals' Consensus Statement on Health and Work


SOM Construction Worker Health Assessment Guidance - Launch Copy


SOM Resources and SOM Statements


Acas and BEIS disability hub - clear advice and guidance on disability employment rights for both employers and workers


Working conditions of junior doctors - articles here, here, here and here


Driving and riding safely for work - HSE guidance

E learning on health and work

Health Education England Health and Work e-learning

Fit note

How to get the most out of the fit note - BJGP article here.

Enabling alternate health care professionals to issue fit notes here.

Fitness to drive

Assessing fitness to drive: a guide for medical professionals


SOM HAVS SIG guidance


UKHCA Hearing Protection Fit Testing Guidance here.

Hybrid working

Acas guidance


FOM updated guidance for healthcare professionals here.

Long COVID and Return to Work - What Works?


European Menopause and Andropause Society (EMAS) position statement here.

SOM resources page here.

Mental health

The benefits of improving mental health in the workplace and how to support mental health at work are outlined here.

An article discussing why it is important to be able to discuss mental health in the workplace here.

A write up of the 2017 mental health event that SOM held with the BPS is here.

A write up of the 2018 SOM/BPS mental health event is here.

Read the report 'What could make a difference to the mental health of UK doctors?'

Read the leaflet for OH practitioners 'Looking after your mental wellbeing'

NICE mental health at work guidance here.

WHO: Mental Health at Work factsheet here.

Mitigating the Psychological Impact of COVID-19 on Healthcare Workers: A Digital Learning Package here.

Caring for the carers (the following is free and available to use):
Under Pressure research programme

NHS employee suicide: a postvention toolkit here.

Responding to the death by suicide of a colleague in primary care - updated January 2025 here.

A framework for managing the sudden and unexpected death of a colleague in a primary care setting - December 2024 here.


Miscarriage Association resources:



MSK Health Toolkit for employers and further education institutions here.

Needs assessment


Business Disability Forum Neurodiversity toolkit

Reasonable adjustments

Neurodiversity at work

Webinars (frontline workers webinar is free)

Managing remote workers blog

Evaluating and supporting Neurodifferences at work


Occupational Health search area at
And guidance at


FOHN career framework here.

Older workers


The Pain at Work Toolkit for Employees with Chronic or Persistent Pain: A Collaborative-Participatory Study here.



Workplace support for employees experiencing pregnancy or baby loss (CIPD Survey results)


Psychometric Assessments in Occupational Health: What they are and how to use them - SOM guidance here.

    Quality in OH


    Report writing

    SOM Presentation on report writing - by SOM Honorary Clinical Strategic Adviser, Christine Poulter, at Health at Work

    Risk Assessment

    Occupational_Health_Needs_Risk_Assessment_Matrix_July_2023.pdf - OH Needs Risk Assessment Matrix


    Terminal Illness

    Trans employees

    Acas: Supporting trans employees in the workplace - research paper here

    Workplace bullying and harrassment policies in occupational health - article here


    What Works Wellbeing – What we know about working age and workplace wellbeing 2014-24

    Work modifications guidance


    Occupational Health Policy Engagement

    The SOM and FOM responded to the Government’s Green Paper on Work, Health and Disability. Read the response here:

    SOM hosted a Consultation Meeting to discuss the Government’s Green Paper on health, work, and disability, see details here:

    A report by the All-Party Parliamentary Group on occupational health and its current state recommended for Health Education England to fund training posts to meet the increasing need of OH practitioners:

    The Taylor Review of Modern Working Practices was an independent review discussing different forms of work and how they relate to employee rights and responsibilities:

    FOM and SOM also Responded to the Government’s Industrial Strategy Paper - here:
    Read the full response

    HR and Occupational Health Roundtable with SOM / CIPD and FSB, 8th Feb 2019. Read the notes here:

    Consultation - Health is everyone's business: proposals to reduce ill health-related job loss