The Faculty of Occupational Medicine and Society of Occupational Medicine welcome the Government green paper on work and disability which aims to address barriers to access to the workplace.
The Faculty of Occupational Medicine and Society of Occupational Medicine welcome plans announced by the Government to consult on their Improving lives: work, health and disability green paper. This paper aims to halve the disability employment gap and make changes to work capability assessments.
We share the Governments dismay that less than half (48%) of disabled people are in employment – over 7 million people in the UK. We know that good work is good for health and employment should be available to all.
Part of the consultation includes a review of GP fit notes to support workers back into their jobs faster, and for longer. We spoke out earlier this year against calls for the period for self-certification to be extended to 14 days and hope that this review will focus on strengthening GP and health professionals’ understanding of occupational health to support patients to return to work successfully.
Dr Sally Coomber, SOM President said:
“We are keen to work with the DWP and DH over the next few months, as they consult on the green paper, so we can develop better occupational health support right across the health and work journey.”
Dr Richard Heron, FOM President, said:
“We support the ambition to develop a system where healthcare professionals recognise the value of a referral to Fit for Work for occupational health advice and return to work support and make referrals routine for eligible patients when appropriate.
However, while Fit for Work is a step in the right direction, there is still a way to go before we can say all employees have timely access to excellent, accredited and quality assured occupational health support which puts the individual and their health circumstances at the heart of a support-tailored programme. There also needs to be workforce capacity to deliver this tailored support, to put occupational health at the centre of workplace health and for every worker to understand the role of occupational medicine.”
We will be consulting with our members and key stakeholders to respond to the green paper.
Notes to Editors
For further information, please contact the Head of Communications and Policy, Jane Edbrooke, on 020 3116 6910 jane.edbrooke@FOM.ac.uk
The Faculty of Occupational Medicine is the professional and educational body for occupational medicine in the United Kingdom. It seeks to ensure the highest standards in the practice of occupational medicine, overseeing the continuing professional development and revalidation of its members. It is also focused on promoting and supporting health at work, with its mission statement being ‘to drive improvement in the health of the working age population.
The Society of Occupational Medicine is the UK organisation for all doctors and other healthcare professionals working in or with an interest in occupational health. It is concerned with the protection of the health of people in the workplace, the prevention of occupational injuries and disease and related environmental issues.