SOM responds to NMC consultation on proposed Specialist Community Public Health Nursing standards
Following a SOM event last month, consulting with experienced occupational health (OH) nurses, OH managers, organisational leads, and occupational physicians, the attached letter has been sent to the NMC. There was overall satisfaction that the suggested course content is comprehensive with what is a good focus on OH nursing, although there is concern about nurse prescribing.
Online Conference for OH Nurses, hosted by HSE and SOM, 29th September 2-5pm
HSE and SOM are co-hosting an online conference specifically aimed at Occupational Health Nurses. It is an opportunity to hear from expert speakers about the importance of preventing work-related ill health and health surveillance, including perspectives from the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. A line-up of expert speakers has been secured and more information will be announced shortly. Being online, delegates can attend this event from anywhere and the Registration Fee will be low to keep the event accessible to all. Please Save the Date and look out for further news soon. For enquiries or to join the mailing list: oh@indexcommunications.com