Do consider joining SOM’s free voluntary register, both for doctors who have completed the DOcc Med, and DOcc Med candidates. It aims to support DOcc Meds e.g. via regular meetings (Chaired by the SOM President and supported by senior clinicians) to share practical tips on career development; a WhatsApp Group and placement opportunities. A DOcc Med toolkit is currently being developed - a draft is here. You can purchase recordings of The Occupational Health Academy Portfolio Morning here (expires 14th May) and MCQ Weekend here (expires 12th May).
Docc Med revision and support at - 20% discount for SOM members: Full access package (MCQ bank, digital revision course, and digital revision deck)£150 standard price → £120 with discount
MCQ bank only (timed & practice questions, explanations linked to curriculum and guidance) £90 standard price → £72 with discount To access the discount, SOM members should email directly, and upon confirming membership, will be sent a voucher code.
Register below.