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Closing Date

2025-03-31 00:00:00




Northern Ireland Policing Board

Northern Ireland Policing Board, Selected Medical Practitioners

Appointment of Selected Medical Practitioners (SMPs)

Opportunities for Occupational Health Specialists

The Northern Ireland Policing Board (the Board) is seeking to appoint Occupational Health Consultants to act as Selected Medical Practitioners (SMPs). The role of the SMP is to conduct occupational health medical assessments in respect of serving and former police officers regarding application for both Ill Health Retirement (IHR) and Injury on Duty (IOD) Award applications in compliance with the Regulations.

All information regarding the role and eligibility requirements can be found on the Board’s website.


The Board will operate a set fee approach for each type of appointment which is non-negotiable. Medical examination relating to all face-to-face appointments and completion of final typed report and/or certificate to required standard - £1000.

Paper based reconsideration and final typed report with certificate (if appropriate) - £500.

How To Apply

For further details on the role and how to apply, click here.

Completed application forms must be submitted by Monday 31st March 2025.

Please note that the Board will be seeking SMPs on an ongoing basis. Applications after this date will continue to be accepted and assessed at a later date.

Further Information

For further information on the role please contact: Danielle Pearson on 02890 408562 or by email on

Closing Date: 2025-03-31 00:00:00