Fill your Occupational Health role by advertising through us
SOM has a great job advertising offer that has helped fill job vacancies across occupational health. Our job ads get the best possible visibility and response as they are placed both on the SOM website, in SOM's monthly eNews and sent to SOM members in a dedicated mailshot. Adverts also have extended reach to over 33,000 occupational health contacts through social media, such as LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.
To advertise, please complete the form below and include your details for invoicing. Please ensure you have a PO reference raised at the time of submitting the form as we cannot process an advert without a PO.
SOM's fixed fees mean we're considerably cheaper than recruitment agencies:
- Occupational Medicine doctor role (including trainee roles) - £1,945 + VAT. For an advert including multiple roles, over a number of locations - £2,095 + VAT
- Occupational Health Adviser role (or equivalent vacancy) - £798 + VAT. For an advert including multiple roles, over a number of locations - £998 + VAT (if one of the roles in a multiple role advert is a doctor role - £2,095 + VAT)
- Other roles - as Occupational Health Adviser roles
Premium (an enhanced bespoke, branded offer where the role is pinned at the top of the SOM jobs webpage and highlighted in SOM eNews as per "job of the month" as below) - additional £263 + VAT
"Job of the month" (role is highlighted in SOM eNews) - additional £158 + VAT
Bulk discount - for every three adverts placed at full price, a fourth can be advertised for free
SOM member discount - 10% off all of the above fees
SOM Corporate Supporters - one free advert plus 50% discount on further adverts (see full list of Corporate Supporter benefits on our Corporate Supporter page)
For further information or to discuss your requirements, please email or call 0203 910 4532.
A reduced rate package may be considered for regular advertisers.
Planning an Occupational Health Tender? We can circulate your request for £350 + VAT. For this price, ads receive a dedicated mailshot to SOM members and circulation on SOM social media.
[This service is operated through SOM Enterprises Ltd (company registration number 8248047, VAT number 153 0688 14), which is the Society's trading subsidiary. Terms & Conditions]