Closing Date
2020-02-28 00:00:00
Lanarkshire, United Kingdom
NHS Lanarkshire, Consultant Occupational Health Physician (0.6 FTE)
Salus is an Occupational Health provider within NHS Lanarkshire. It also includes Health & Safety & Return to work services. In addition to ensuring the highest quality Occupational Health Services for 11,000 NHS Lanarkshire employees, you will have a leading clinical role within Salus. Salus also have an innovative external commercial service that covers the realms of occupational health, welfare related disability assessments and vocational rehabilitation. These services attract income of over £12m annually and provide an interesting and challenging clinical arena within which to practice.
With nine commercial sites across Scotland and North West England, Salus is one of the most progressive and innovative providers of occupational health and work related health services in the UK. All sites hold SEQOHS and ISO9001 accreditation. Salus also currently holds RISQS accreditation.
Applicants must possess a minimum of MFOM (or equivalent), and have full registration and a license to practice with the GMC. For the substantive post the applicant must be eligible for inclusion in the GMC’s Specialist Register in Occupational Health or CESR (CP) at the time of interview or be within 6 months of eligibility.
Informal enquiries regarding this post will be welcomed by Mark Kennedy, General Manager on 01698 206320/07979794005 or Dr D Reetoo, Clinical Director on 01698 206348.
For any application queries, please contact Graeme Gilmour - Senior HR Assistant on 01698 377735
Interviews are scheduled for: 28th February 2020
Closing Date: 2020-02-28 00:00:00