Closing Date
2017-10-22 00:00:00
Ministry of Defence, The Royal Air Force Medical Board, Occupational Medicine Consultant
The Royal Air Force Medical Board is offering a unique opportunity for a highly motivated Consultant Occupational Physician to work within a team of dedicated military and civilian occupational health professionals and support staff within the RAF Medical Board, based at the RAF Centre of Aviation Medicine at RAF Henlow in Bedfordshire. The RAF Medical Board is responsible for the Occupational Medicine assessment and award of permanent Joint Medical Employment Standards (JMES), to RAF personnel in direct support of RAF Headquarters Air Manning. The JMES reflects the ability of Service personnel to undertake their specific work duties and general military duties that may impact on their medium and long-term employment.
For more information please click here.
To apply please visit www.civilservicejobs.service.gov.uk quoting 1541620 to search for the vacancy.
Closing Date: 2017-10-22 00:00:00