SOM recognises that there are some good pointers for the future in the Get Britain Working White Paper, but was disappointed not to see Occupational Health (OH) clearly stated to support prevention of work related ill health. A recent article in the Occupational Medicine Journal: Occupational health: the case for return on investment states the latest evidence on the value of OH.
The scale of the problem of inactivity due to ill health is very significant and worsening, with currently over 2.8 million out of work due to long-term sickness. The White Paper aims to bring coherence to health skills and employment support, with an emphasis on local communities. Cutting NHS waiting lists is also critical, with prioritisation based on the need to prevent people falling out of work. Prevention to stop people becoming ill in the first place is essential with a recognition that work is a key determinant of health.
SOM would like to see OH included in local work and health strategies to support people living with ill health return to work and stay in work by:
- Providing clinical input to NHS primary care, DWP staff, National Jobs and Careers Service (including Occupational Health) and community assets to encourage work and health conversations to occur by staff who up to now do not do so.
- Supporting review of fit notes through case note reviews.
SOM continues to call for Universal Access to Occupational Health with:
- Improved access to small and medium sized companies to support them in identifying and selecting OH.
- Tax incentives for employers for investing in OH.
- The Health and Safety Executive taking a more active role e.g. to encourage larger organisations or specific sectors to invest in workplace health.
- A national clinical lead for work and health.
SOM hopes to be represented in the “independent review into the role of employers in creating and maintaining healthy and inclusive workplaces that run through to summer 2025”, stated in section 86 of the White Paper.
SOM will also be engaging with officials and MPs going forward, offering support to reduce inactivity due to ill health.