Posted by Ann Caluori | Thu, 24/10/2019 - 13:43
A review conducted by Dr Nupur Yogarajah, GP and Policy Intern for the Society of Occupational Medicine (SOM).
Increasing Occupational Health (OH) professionals across the multidisciplinary workforce is necessary to meet the demand of providing OH services to all those who work. This requires:
- An overarching strategy to sustain and develop the OH workforce with clear leadership
- Funding to expand training to front load adequate numbers into the profession
- Incorporating OH into undergraduate course curriculums
- Clarity required regarding which professions OH encompasses
- Formalising pathways and accreditation in postgraduate courses
- Strengthened NHS commitment to OH
- Collection of OH workforce data
This review was conducted by information gathering from individual discussions with relevant professionals and a multidisciplinary roundtable discussion organised by the Society of Occupational Medicine (SOM).