Employment Medicals and Fitness to Work 2022
A Virtual Event from The At Work Partnership
Date: Mon 28 March 2022
Join us for an important day of training examining why good practice in assessing fitness for work remains an important aspect of OH, not only to safeguard the health and safety of employees and others affected by the work, but also to ensure fair and non-discriminatory employment. Conducted virtually via zoom, the course will look at best practice in the field of employment medicals, fitness for work, and the use of pre-employment/pre-placement questionnaires and health checks.
Benefits of attending
• Ensure that your organisation is up to date with all of the latest legal and practical issues affecting health issues at recruitment and ongoing fitness to work.
• Gain an up-to-the-minute understanding of how the legislation and case law relating to employment medicals and fitness for work impacts on your responsibilities and your day-to-day work.
• Insight into the issues affecting fitness to drive and drug and alcohol testing
• An understanding of best practice and evidence-based decisions
• PLUS – printed documentation to keep for future reference.
Speakers include: Dr John Ballard (Occupational Health [at Work]), Emily Yeardley (Couchman Hanson Solicitors), Dr Tony Williams (Working Fit), Dr Tim Stevenson (The Healthy Company), Dr Nick Jenkins (DVLA) and Prof Diana Kloss (barrister).
For full course details and to book online please visit: https://ohaw.co/empmed22
EARLY BIRD RATE OFFER: Book and pay before 10 February 2022 and save £60 + VAT.
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