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For some Medical Professionals, the complexities of pension tax while planning for retirement can be confusing. With inflation reducing from the highs of the last couple of years, the impact of the McCloud judgement and recent changes with the introduction of flexible retirement within the NHS Pension mean that opportunities exist for many that were not available before. Understanding how these changes impact you as a Medical Professional is essential to ensure that the right decisions are made to mitigate taxation and maximise pension income.
To help you with these difficult and confusing decisions over a course of an hour we will discuss.
• An update on the Mcloud Judgement and the Remediable Pension Savings Statements (RPSS)
• What is the Annual Allowance, how is it calculated and what if you exceed it?
• The Scheme Pays facility.
• The lump Sum allowance (LSA) and the Lump Sum and Death Benefit Allowance (LSDBA)
• Flexible Retirement
Take advantage of the chance to learn and get your pension tax and retirement questions answered by the experts. Register now for your place on this valuable webinar, helping you achieve the best possible future for you and your family.
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