FREE for ALL (please log in on the SOM website first).
Contrary to media opinion, sleep hygeine is not the answer to all sleep problems! Join Louise Berger, who has over a decade of experience leading an NHS Sleep Service, for a focused webinar on sleep. This session will equip you to spot, differentiate, and manage common sleep disorders. You can expect to leave with a greater knowledge of sleep science, screening tools and actionable takeaways for daily practice. Louise will also signpost her favourite resources for clients and some for clinicians wanting to upskill in the practice of sleep.
Chair: Jo Vallom-Smith
FREE for ALL. You will then be sent the joining link.
We'd like to thank our sponsor - Orchid Live. Orchid Live is specialist occupational health software used by a number of SOM members to run every aspect of their occupational health operations. They hold healthcare records for over 1 million UK workers and work with both in-house OH teams and OH providers. You can find out more at OrchidLive.com
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