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Prof Greenberg will present data from the NHS CHECK study which is the UK’s largest study of NHS healthcare staff. NHS CHECK began in 2020 and has collected multiple waves of data since that time. The presentation will cover the best estimate of the state of mental health of staff working within the NHS in the UK, the extent and causes of moral injuries as well as other relevant topics including suicidal thoughts and behaviours and Long Covid.
Speaker Bios:
Professor Neil Greenberg is a consultant academic, occupational and forensic psychiatrist based at King’s College London. Neil served in the United Kingdom Armed Forces for more than 23 years and has deployed, as a psychiatrist and researcher, to a number of hostile environments including Afghanistan and Iraq. At King’s Neil leads on a number of military mental health projects and is a principal investigator within a nationally funded Health Protection Research unit. He is a past chair of the Royal College of Psychiatrists (RCP) Special Interest Group in Occupational Psychiatry and led the World Psychiatric Association position statement on mental health in the workplace. Neil has published more than 400 scientific papers and book chapters and has been the Secretary of the European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, the President of the UK Psychological Trauma Society and Specialist Advisor to the House of Commons Defence Select Committee. During the COVID19 pandemic, Neil worked closely with various government organisations and published widely on psychological support for healthcare, and other key workers. As well as running March on Stress Ltd, a psychological health consultancy, Neil is a trustee with the Society and Faculty of Occupational Medicine. In 2023 he was awarded a prestigious honorary Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland. He is the President Elect of the UK’s Society of Occupational Medicine.
Chair: Dr Sally Coomber
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We'd like to thank our sponsor - Orchid Live. Orchid Live is specialist occupational health software used by a number of SOM members to run every aspect of their occupational health operations. They hold healthcare records for over 1 million UK workers and work with both in-house OH teams and OH providers. You can find out more at OrchidLive.com
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