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Onwards and upwards, the future for OH Technicians A panel discussion on the role and contribution of OH Technicians, challenges and opportunities including education.

 Registration is closed for this event


FREE for ALL (please log in on the SOM website first). 

Panel Chair: - Janet O Neil

SOM, with the National School of Occupational Health, is hosting this exclusive webinar, which includes a panel discussion between OH technicians from various backgrounds including those who commission technician work and technician course leads. There will be presentations from:

-    Teri Greaves - about the new Open Awards OH Technician qualification.

-    Katherine Roberts - about EOPH's OHT Course which has gained Open Awards provider status.

-    Three technicians - their career story, experience and education

-    Jacqui Hallet

A panel discussion as to the future of OH Technicians will follow.

Questions welcomed.

FREE for ALL. You will then be sent the joining link.

June 25th, 2024 from  3:00 PM to  4:00 PM
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