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SOM PHE Series 3: Managing job insecurity and creating better quality work

FREE Webinar


Who is this for? Precarious workers, businesses who use contract workers, trade unions, the self employed

Aim – inform policy and practice

What is poor quality work? We know that poor quality work that is precarious, and insecure can be more damaging to health than unemployment. This section of the working population is likely to increase during the pandemic and its aftermath. These workers are also often left out of wellbeing initiatives and any initiative of support is often hard to access. There is no sick pay for these workers so the risk of presenteeism and associated health risks is greater.


-  Professor Stephen Bevan – IES

-  Henry Chango Lopez - Independent Workers Union of GB

-  Jill Rubery-  WEI University of Manchester

Chair – Professor Anne Harriss, President, SOM

Please register on Eventbrite here

February 4th, 2021 from  2:00 PM to  3:30 PM
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