The Society of Occupational Medicine (SOM) welcomes the Budget focus on supporting people in and into work, and the related announcement by the Chancellor of 28th October of “Building a Britain where those who can work, will work”.
Caring is a major reason why people drop out of the workforce. SOM welcomes the changes to the carer’s allowance, and increasing the weekly earnings limit to the equivalent of 16 hours at the National Living Wage per week, so a carer can now earn over £10,000 a year while receiving Carer’s Allowance.
Over 2.8m people are out of work due to ill health with a potentially significant increase forecast in Benefit costs. There is a key role for Occupational Health to support people staying and returning to work. SOM wish to see Government significantly supporting people in work with health conditions stay in work, facilitate universal access in occupational health and review the fit note.
We look forward to responding to the Industrial Strategy consultation, working with Skills England and the DWP/DHSC work and health unit to support people stay and return to work.
There are also unanswered questions as to whether DWP/DHSC will continue its expert group on occupational health for SMEs, led by Dame Carol Black.