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Advertise your event with SOM or sponsor a SOM event

Advertising your event with us means reaching well over 1,800 members with a specific interest in occupational health. Your event will be promoted in our eNews, as well as feature on our website. We also reach out to thousands more organisations and individuals with an interest in occupational health through our social media. To advertise your event or course on our website and via our regular emails, please complete the form below and include your details for invoicing. The cost is £499 + VAT. We can offer 25% off this price for regular advertisers. 

Interested to sponsor a SOM event? SOM welcomes the support of industry. For more information on benefits, options and prices of sponsoring a SOM event, webinar or conference, please email or call 0203 910 4533.

[This service is operated through SOM Enterprises Ltd (company registration number 8248047 VAT number 153 0688 14) the Society's trading subsidiary. The SOM takes as much care as reasonably possible but accepts no legal liability for its accuracy. The SOM also cannot provide any assurance of the quality of the courses advertised.]

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